Kubernetes – Don’t Use Certificates for Authentication

Certificate based authentication vs Username and Password Certificates are tied to machine level keystores and thus are great for machine to machine authentication between specific machines planned in advance. Passwords are very well suited to people as we are mobile and tend to authenticate from numerous systems in a way that is hard to predict in advance. c# - How to use a client certificate to authenticate and I am trying to use a client certificate to authenticate and authorize devices using a Web API and developed a simple proof of concept to work through issues with the potential solution. I am running into an issue where the client certificate is not being received by the web application.

Certificate-based authentication - Azure Active Directory

Certificate-based authentication (CBA) is only supported for Federated environments for browser applications, native clients using modern authentication (ADAL), or MSAL libraries. The one exception is Exchange Active Sync (EAS) for Exchange Online (EXO), which can be …

May 04, 2020

Enable Two-Factor Authentication Using Certificate and Auth